No Matches
sf Namespace Reference


namespace  Clipboard
 Give access to the system clipboard.
namespace  Glsl
 Namespace with GLSL types.
namespace  Joystick
 Give access to the real-time state of the joysticks.
namespace  Keyboard
 Give access to the real-time state of the keyboard.
namespace  Listener
 The audio listener is the point in the scene from where all the sounds are heard.
namespace  Literals
namespace  Mouse
 Give access to the real-time state of the mouse.
namespace  PlaybackDevice
namespace  Sensor
 Give access to the real-time state of the sensors.
namespace  Style
namespace  Touch
 Give access to the real-time state of the touches.
namespace  Vulkan
 Vulkan helper functions.


class  Angle
 Represents an angle value. More...
class  AudioResource
 Base class for classes that require an audio device. More...
class  BlendMode
 Blending modes for drawing. More...
class  CircleShape
 Specialized shape representing a circle. More...
class  Clock
 Utility class that measures the elapsed time. More...
class  Color
 Utility class for manipulating RGBA colors. More...
class  Context
 Class holding a valid drawing context. More...
class  ContextSettings
 Structure defining the settings of the OpenGL context attached to a window. More...
class  ConvexShape
 Specialized shape representing a convex polygon. More...
class  Cursor
 Cursor defines the appearance of a system cursor. More...
class  Drawable
 Abstract base class for objects that can be drawn to a render target. More...
class  Event
 Defines a system event and its parameters. More...
class  Exception
 Library-specific exception type. More...
class  FileInputStream
 Implementation of input stream based on a file. More...
class  Font
 Class for loading and manipulating character fonts. More...
class  Ftp
 A FTP client. More...
class  GlResource
 Base class for classes that require an OpenGL context. More...
struct  Glyph
 Structure describing a glyph. More...
class  Http
 A HTTP client. More...
class  Image
 Class for loading, manipulating and saving images. More...
class  InputSoundFile
 Provide read access to sound files. More...
class  InputStream
 Abstract class for custom file input streams. More...
class  IpAddress
 Encapsulate an IPv4 network address. More...
class  MemoryInputStream
 Implementation of input stream based on a memory chunk. More...
class  Music
 Streamed music played from an audio file. More...
class  OutputSoundFile
 Provide write access to sound files. More...
class  Packet
 Utility class to build blocks of data to transfer over the network. More...
class  Rect
 Utility class for manipulating 2D axis aligned rectangles. More...
class  RectangleShape
 Specialized shape representing a rectangle. More...
class  RenderStates
 Define the states used for drawing to a RenderTarget More...
class  RenderTarget
 Base class for all render targets (window, texture, ...) More...
class  RenderTexture
 Target for off-screen 2D rendering into a texture. More...
class  RenderWindow
 Window that can serve as a target for 2D drawing. More...
class  Shader
 Shader class (vertex, geometry and fragment) More...
class  Shape
 Base class for textured shapes with outline. More...
class  Socket
 Base class for all the socket types. More...
class  SocketSelector
 Multiplexer that allows to read from multiple sockets. More...
class  Sound
 Regular sound that can be played in the audio environment. More...
class  SoundBuffer
 Storage for audio samples defining a sound. More...
class  SoundBufferRecorder
 Specialized SoundRecorder which stores the captured audio data into a sound buffer. More...
class  SoundFileFactory
 Manages and instantiates sound file readers and writers. More...
class  SoundFileReader
 Abstract base class for sound file decoding. More...
class  SoundFileWriter
 Abstract base class for sound file encoding. More...
class  SoundRecorder
 Abstract base class for capturing sound data. More...
class  SoundSource
 Base class defining a sound's properties. More...
class  SoundStream
 Abstract base class for streamed audio sources. More...
class  Sprite
 Drawable representation of a texture, with its own transformations, color, etc. More...
class  StencilMode
 Stencil modes for drawing. More...
struct  StencilValue
 Stencil value type (also used as a mask) More...
class  String
 Utility string class that automatically handles conversions between types and encodings. More...
struct  SuspendAwareClock
 Android, chrono-compatible, suspend-aware clock. More...
class  TcpListener
 Socket that listens to new TCP connections. More...
class  TcpSocket
 Specialized socket using the TCP protocol. More...
class  Text
 Graphical text that can be drawn to a render target. More...
class  Texture
 Image living on the graphics card that can be used for drawing. More...
class  Time
 Represents a time value. More...
class  Transform
 3x3 transform matrix More...
class  Transformable
 Decomposed transform defined by a position, a rotation and a scale. More...
struct  U8StringCharTraits
 Character traits for std::uint8_t More...
class  UdpSocket
 Specialized socket using the UDP protocol. More...
class  Utf
 Utility class providing generic functions for UTF conversions. More...
class  Utf< 16 >
 Specialization of the Utf template for UTF-16.
class  Utf< 32 >
 Specialization of the Utf template for UTF-32.
class  Utf< 8 >
 Specialization of the Utf template for UTF-8.
class  Vector2
 Class template for manipulating 2-dimensional vectors. More...
class  Vector3
 Utility template class for manipulating 3-dimensional vectors. More...
struct  Vertex
 Point with color and texture coordinates. More...
class  VertexArray
 Set of one or more 2D primitives. More...
class  VertexBuffer
 Vertex buffer storage for one or more 2D primitives. More...
class  VideoMode
 VideoMode defines a video mode (size, bpp) More...
class  View
 2D camera that defines what region is shown on screen More...
class  Window
 Window that serves as a target for OpenGL rendering. More...
class  WindowBase
 Window that serves as a base for other windows. More...


using IntRect = Rect<int>
using FloatRect = Rect<float>
using SocketHandle = int
using U8String = std::basic_string<std::uint8_t, U8StringCharTraits>
 Portable replacement for std::basic_string<std::uint8_t>
using Utf8 = Utf<8>
using Utf16 = Utf<16>
using Utf32 = Utf<32>
using Vector2i = Vector2<int>
using Vector2u = Vector2<unsigned int>
using Vector2f = Vector2<float>
using Vector3i = Vector3<int>
using Vector3f = Vector3<float>
using GlFunctionPointer = void (*)()
using ContextDestroyCallback = void (*)(void*)
using VulkanFunctionPointer = void (*)()
using WindowHandle = "platform-specific"
 Low-level window handle type, specific to each platform.


enum class  SoundChannel {
  SoundChannel::Unspecified , SoundChannel::Mono , SoundChannel::FrontLeft , SoundChannel::FrontRight ,
  SoundChannel::FrontCenter , SoundChannel::FrontLeftOfCenter , SoundChannel::FrontRightOfCenter , SoundChannel::LowFrequencyEffects ,
  SoundChannel::BackLeft , SoundChannel::BackRight , SoundChannel::BackCenter , SoundChannel::SideLeft ,
  SoundChannel::SideRight , SoundChannel::TopCenter , SoundChannel::TopFrontLeft , SoundChannel::TopFrontRight ,
  SoundChannel::TopFrontCenter , SoundChannel::TopBackLeft , SoundChannel::TopBackRight , SoundChannel::TopBackCenter
 Types of sound channels that can be read/written from sound buffers/files. More...
enum class  CoordinateType { CoordinateType::Normalized , CoordinateType::Pixels }
 Types of texture coordinates that can be used for rendering. More...
enum class  PrimitiveType {
  PrimitiveType::Points , PrimitiveType::Lines , PrimitiveType::LineStrip , PrimitiveType::Triangles ,
  PrimitiveType::TriangleStrip , PrimitiveType::TriangleFan
 Types of primitives that a sf::VertexArray can render. More...
enum class  StencilComparison {
  Never , Less , LessEqual , Greater ,
  GreaterEqual , Equal , NotEqual , Always
 Enumeration of the stencil test comparisons that can be performed. More...
enum class  StencilUpdateOperation {
  Keep , Zero , Replace , Increment ,
  Decrement , Invert
 Enumeration of the stencil buffer update operations. More...
enum class  State { State::Windowed , State::Fullscreen }
 Enumeration of the window states. More...


void swap (Texture &left, Texture &right) noexcept
 Swap the contents of one texture with those of another.
void swap (VertexBuffer &left, VertexBuffer &right) noexcept
 Swap the contents of one vertex buffer with those of another.
bool operator== (IpAddress left, IpAddress right)
 Overload of operator== to compare two IP addresses.
bool operator!= (IpAddress left, IpAddress right)
 Overload of operator!= to compare two IP addresses.
bool operator< (IpAddress left, IpAddress right)
 Overload of operator< to compare two IP addresses.
bool operator> (IpAddress left, IpAddress right)
 Overload of operator> to compare two IP addresses.
bool operator<= (IpAddress left, IpAddress right)
 Overload of operator<= to compare two IP addresses.
bool operator>= (IpAddress left, IpAddress right)
 Overload of operator>= to compare two IP addresses.
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &stream, std::optional< IpAddress > &address)
 Overload of operator>> to extract an IP address from an input stream.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, IpAddress address)
 Overload of operator<< to print an IP address to an output stream.
constexpr Angle degrees (float angle)
 Construct an angle value from a number of degrees.
constexpr Angle radians (float angle)
 Construct an angle value from a number of radians.
std::ostream & err ()
 Standard stream used by SFML to output warnings and errors.
ANativeActivity * getNativeActivity ()
 Return a pointer to the Android native activity.
void sleep (Time duration)
 Make the current thread sleep for a given duration.
bool operator== (const BlendMode &left, const BlendMode &right)
 Overload of the operator==
bool operator!= (const BlendMode &left, const BlendMode &right)
 Overload of the operator!=
constexpr bool operator== (Color left, Color right)
 Overload of the operator==
constexpr bool operator!= (Color left, Color right)
 Overload of the operator!=
constexpr Color operator+ (Color left, Color right)
 Overload of the binary operator+
constexpr Color operator- (Color left, Color right)
 Overload of the binary operator-
constexpr Color operator* (Color left, Color right)
 Overload of the binary operator*
constexpr Coloroperator+= (Color &left, Color right)
 Overload of the binary operator+=
constexpr Coloroperator-= (Color &left, Color right)
 Overload of the binary operator-=
constexpr Coloroperator*= (Color &left, Color right)
 Overload of the binary operator*=
template<typename T>
constexpr bool operator== (const Rect< T > &lhs, const Rect< T > &rhs)
 Overload of binary operator==
template<typename T>
constexpr bool operator!= (const Rect< T > &lhs, const Rect< T > &rhs)
 Overload of binary operator!=
bool operator== (const StencilMode &left, const StencilMode &right)
 Overload of the operator==
bool operator!= (const StencilMode &left, const StencilMode &right)
 Overload of the operator!=
constexpr Transform operator* (const Transform &left, const Transform &right)
 Overload of binary operator* to combine two transforms.
constexpr Transformoperator*= (Transform &left, const Transform &right)
 Overload of binary operator*= to combine two transforms.
constexpr Vector2f operator* (const Transform &left, Vector2f right)
 Overload of binary operator* to transform a point.
constexpr bool operator== (const Transform &left, const Transform &right)
 Overload of binary operator== to compare two transforms.
constexpr bool operator!= (const Transform &left, const Transform &right)
 Overload of binary operator!= to compare two transforms.
constexpr bool operator== (Angle left, Angle right)
 Overload of operator== to compare two angle values.
constexpr bool operator!= (Angle left, Angle right)
 Overload of operator!= to compare two angle values.
constexpr bool operator< (Angle left, Angle right)
 Overload of operator< to compare two angle values.
constexpr bool operator> (Angle left, Angle right)
 Overload of operator> to compare two angle values.
constexpr bool operator<= (Angle left, Angle right)
 Overload of operator<= to compare two angle values.
constexpr bool operator>= (Angle left, Angle right)
 Overload of operator>= to compare two angle values.
constexpr Angle operator- (Angle right)
 Overload of unary operator- to negate an angle value.
constexpr Angle operator+ (Angle left, Angle right)
 Overload of binary operator+ to add two angle values.
constexpr Angleoperator+= (Angle &left, Angle right)
 Overload of binary operator+= to add/assign two angle values.
constexpr Angle operator- (Angle left, Angle right)
 Overload of binary operator- to subtract two angle values.
constexpr Angleoperator-= (Angle &left, Angle right)
 Overload of binary operator-= to subtract/assign two angle values.
constexpr Angle operator* (Angle left, float right)
 Overload of binary operator* to scale an angle value.
constexpr Angle operator* (float left, Angle right)
 Overload of binary operator* to scale an angle value.
constexpr Angleoperator*= (Angle &left, float right)
 Overload of binary operator*= to scale/assign an angle value.
constexpr Angle operator/ (Angle left, float right)
 Overload of binary operator/ to scale an angle value.
constexpr Angleoperator/= (Angle &left, float right)
 Overload of binary operator/= to scale/assign an angle value.
constexpr float operator/ (Angle left, Angle right)
 Overload of binary operator/ to compute the ratio of two angle values.
constexpr Angle operator% (Angle left, Angle right)
 Overload of binary operator% to compute modulo of an angle value.
constexpr Angleoperator%= (Angle &left, Angle right)
 Overload of binary operator%= to compute/assign remainder of an angle value.
constexpr Angle operator""_deg (long double angle)
 User defined literal for angles in degrees, e.g. 10.5_deg
constexpr Angle operator""_deg (unsigned long long int angle)
 User defined literal for angles in degrees, e.g. 90_deg
constexpr Angle operator""_rad (long double angle)
 User defined literal for angles in radians, e.g. 0.1_rad
constexpr Angle operator""_rad (unsigned long long int angle)
 User defined literal for angles in radians, e.g. 2_rad
bool operator== (const String &left, const String &right)
 Overload of operator== to compare two UTF-32 strings.
bool operator!= (const String &left, const String &right)
 Overload of operator!= to compare two UTF-32 strings.
bool operator< (const String &left, const String &right)
 Overload of operator< to compare two UTF-32 strings.
bool operator> (const String &left, const String &right)
 Overload of operator> to compare two UTF-32 strings.
bool operator<= (const String &left, const String &right)
 Overload of operator<= to compare two UTF-32 strings.
bool operator>= (const String &left, const String &right)
 Overload of operator>= to compare two UTF-32 strings.
String operator+ (const String &left, const String &right)
 Overload of binary operator+ to concatenate two strings.
constexpr Time seconds (float amount)
 Construct a time value from a number of seconds.
constexpr Time milliseconds (std::int32_t amount)
 Construct a time value from a number of milliseconds.
constexpr Time microseconds (std::int64_t amount)
 Construct a time value from a number of microseconds.
constexpr bool operator== (Time left, Time right)
 Overload of operator== to compare two time values.
constexpr bool operator!= (Time left, Time right)
 Overload of operator!= to compare two time values.
constexpr bool operator< (Time left, Time right)
 Overload of operator< to compare two time values.
constexpr bool operator> (Time left, Time right)
 Overload of operator> to compare two time values.
constexpr bool operator<= (Time left, Time right)
 Overload of operator<= to compare two time values.
constexpr bool operator>= (Time left, Time right)
 Overload of operator>= to compare two time values.
constexpr Time operator- (Time right)
 Overload of unary operator- to negate a time value.
constexpr Time operator+ (Time left, Time right)
 Overload of binary operator+ to add two time values.
constexpr Timeoperator+= (Time &left, Time right)
 Overload of binary operator+= to add/assign two time values.
constexpr Time operator- (Time left, Time right)
 Overload of binary operator- to subtract two time values.
constexpr Timeoperator-= (Time &left, Time right)
 Overload of binary operator-= to subtract/assign two time values.
constexpr Time operator* (Time left, float right)
 Overload of binary operator* to scale a time value.
constexpr Time operator* (Time left, std::int64_t right)
 Overload of binary operator* to scale a time value.
constexpr Time operator* (float left, Time right)
 Overload of binary operator* to scale a time value.
constexpr Time operator* (std::int64_t left, Time right)
 Overload of binary operator* to scale a time value.
constexpr Timeoperator*= (Time &left, float right)
 Overload of binary operator*= to scale/assign a time value.
constexpr Timeoperator*= (Time &left, std::int64_t right)
 Overload of binary operator*= to scale/assign a time value.
constexpr Time operator/ (Time left, float right)
 Overload of binary operator/ to scale a time value.
constexpr Time operator/ (Time left, std::int64_t right)
 Overload of binary operator/ to scale a time value.
constexpr Timeoperator/= (Time &left, float right)
 Overload of binary operator/= to scale/assign a time value.
constexpr Timeoperator/= (Time &left, std::int64_t right)
 Overload of binary operator/= to scale/assign a time value.
constexpr float operator/ (Time left, Time right)
 Overload of binary operator/ to compute the ratio of two time values.
constexpr Time operator% (Time left, Time right)
 Overload of binary operator% to compute remainder of a time value.
constexpr Timeoperator%= (Time &left, Time right)
 Overload of binary operator%= to compute/assign remainder of a time value.
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector2< T > operator- (Vector2< T > right)
 Overload of unary operator-
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector2< T > & operator+= (Vector2< T > &left, Vector2< T > right)
 Overload of binary operator+=
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector2< T > & operator-= (Vector2< T > &left, Vector2< T > right)
 Overload of binary operator-=
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector2< T > operator+ (Vector2< T > left, Vector2< T > right)
 Overload of binary operator+
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector2< T > operator- (Vector2< T > left, Vector2< T > right)
 Overload of binary operator-
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector2< T > operator* (Vector2< T > left, T right)
 Overload of binary operator*
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector2< T > operator* (T left, Vector2< T > right)
 Overload of binary operator*
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector2< T > & operator*= (Vector2< T > &left, T right)
 Overload of binary operator*=
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector2< T > operator/ (Vector2< T > left, T right)
 Overload of binary operator/
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector2< T > & operator/= (Vector2< T > &left, T right)
 Overload of binary operator/=
template<typename T>
constexpr bool operator== (Vector2< T > left, Vector2< T > right)
 Overload of binary operator==
template<typename T>
constexpr bool operator!= (Vector2< T > left, Vector2< T > right)
 Overload of binary operator!=
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector3< T > operator- (const Vector3< T > &left)
 Overload of unary operator-
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector3< T > & operator+= (Vector3< T > &left, const Vector3< T > &right)
 Overload of binary operator+=
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector3< T > & operator-= (Vector3< T > &left, const Vector3< T > &right)
 Overload of binary operator-=
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector3< T > operator+ (const Vector3< T > &left, const Vector3< T > &right)
 Overload of binary operator+
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector3< T > operator- (const Vector3< T > &left, const Vector3< T > &right)
 Overload of binary operator-
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector3< T > operator* (const Vector3< T > &left, T right)
 Overload of binary operator*
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector3< T > operator* (T left, const Vector3< T > &right)
 Overload of binary operator*
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector3< T > & operator*= (Vector3< T > &left, T right)
 Overload of binary operator*=
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector3< T > operator/ (const Vector3< T > &left, T right)
 Overload of binary operator/
template<typename T>
constexpr Vector3< T > & operator/= (Vector3< T > &left, T right)
 Overload of binary operator/=
template<typename T>
constexpr bool operator== (const Vector3< T > &left, const Vector3< T > &right)
 Overload of binary operator==
template<typename T>
constexpr bool operator!= (const Vector3< T > &left, const Vector3< T > &right)
 Overload of binary operator!=
bool operator== (const VideoMode &left, const VideoMode &right)
 Overload of operator== to compare two video modes.
bool operator!= (const VideoMode &left, const VideoMode &right)
 Overload of operator!= to compare two video modes.
bool operator< (const VideoMode &left, const VideoMode &right)
 Overload of operator< to compare video modes.
bool operator> (const VideoMode &left, const VideoMode &right)
 Overload of operator> to compare video modes.
bool operator<= (const VideoMode &left, const VideoMode &right)
 Overload of operator<= to compare video modes.
bool operator>= (const VideoMode &left, const VideoMode &right)
 Overload of operator>= to compare video modes.


const BlendMode BlendAlpha
 Blend source and dest according to dest alpha.
const BlendMode BlendAdd
 Add source to dest.
const BlendMode BlendMultiply
 Multiply source and dest.
const BlendMode BlendMin
 Take minimum between source and dest.
const BlendMode BlendMax
 Take maximum between source and dest.
const BlendMode BlendNone
 Overwrite dest with source.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ContextDestroyCallback

using sf::ContextDestroyCallback = void (*)(void*)

Definition at line 37 of file GlResource.hpp.

◆ FloatRect

using sf::FloatRect = Rect<float>

Definition at line 147 of file Rect.hpp.

◆ GlFunctionPointer

using sf::GlFunctionPointer = void (*)()

Definition at line 51 of file Context.hpp.

◆ IntRect

using sf::IntRect = Rect<int>

Definition at line 146 of file Rect.hpp.

◆ SocketHandle

using sf::SocketHandle = int

Definition at line 48 of file SocketHandle.hpp.

◆ U8String

using sf::U8String = std::basic_string<std::uint8_t, U8StringCharTraits>

Portable replacement for std::basic_string<std::uint8_t>

While all major C++ implementations happen to define this as of early 2024, this specialization is not strictly speaking standard C++. Thus we can't depend on its continued existence.

Definition at line 81 of file String.hpp.

◆ Utf16

using sf::Utf16 = Utf<16>

Definition at line 737 of file Utf.hpp.

◆ Utf32

using sf::Utf32 = Utf<32>

Definition at line 738 of file Utf.hpp.

◆ Utf8

using sf::Utf8 = Utf<8>

Definition at line 736 of file Utf.hpp.

◆ Vector2f

using sf::Vector2f = Vector2<float>

Definition at line 210 of file Vector2.hpp.

◆ Vector2i

using sf::Vector2i = Vector2<int>

Definition at line 208 of file Vector2.hpp.

◆ Vector2u

using sf::Vector2u = Vector2<unsigned int>

Definition at line 209 of file Vector2.hpp.

◆ Vector3f

using sf::Vector3f = Vector3<float>

Definition at line 306 of file Vector3.hpp.

◆ Vector3i

using sf::Vector3i = Vector3<int>

Definition at line 305 of file Vector3.hpp.

◆ VulkanFunctionPointer

using sf::VulkanFunctionPointer = void (*)()

Definition at line 57 of file Vulkan.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ StencilComparison

enum class sf::StencilComparison

Enumeration of the stencil test comparisons that can be performed.

The comparisons are mapped directly to their OpenGL equivalents, specified by glStencilFunc().


The stencil test never passes.


The stencil test passes if the new value is less than the value in the stencil buffer.


The stencil test passes if the new value is less than or equal to the value in the stencil buffer.


The stencil test passes if the new value is greater than the value in the stencil buffer.


The stencil test passes if the new value is greater than or equal to the value in the stencil buffer.


The stencil test passes if the new value is strictly equal to the value in the stencil buffer.


The stencil test passes if the new value is strictly unequal to the value in the stencil buffer.


The stencil test always passes.

Definition at line 42 of file StencilMode.hpp.

◆ StencilUpdateOperation

enum class sf::StencilUpdateOperation

Enumeration of the stencil buffer update operations.

The update operations are mapped directly to their OpenGL equivalents, specified by glStencilOp().


If the stencil test passes, the value in the stencil buffer is not modified.


If the stencil test passes, the value in the stencil buffer is set to zero.


If the stencil test passes, the value in the stencil buffer is set to the new value.


If the stencil test passes, the value in the stencil buffer is incremented and if required clamped.


If the stencil test passes, the value in the stencil buffer is decremented and if required clamped.


If the stencil test passes, the value in the stencil buffer is bitwise inverted.

Definition at line 60 of file StencilMode.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ degrees()

Angle sf::degrees ( float angle)

Construct an angle value from a number of degrees.

angleNumber of degrees
Angle value constructed from the number of degrees
See also

◆ operator!=() [1/12]

bool sf::operator!= ( IpAddress left,
IpAddress right )

Overload of operator!= to compare two IP addresses.

leftLeft operand (a IP address)
rightRight operand (a IP address)
true if both addresses are different

◆ operator<() [1/5]

bool sf::operator< ( IpAddress left,
IpAddress right )

Overload of operator< to compare two IP addresses.

leftLeft operand (a IP address)
rightRight operand (a IP address)
true if left is lesser than right

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & sf::operator<< ( std::ostream & stream,
IpAddress address )

Overload of operator<< to print an IP address to an output stream.

streamOutput stream
addressIP address to print
Reference to the output stream

◆ operator<=() [1/5]

bool sf::operator<= ( IpAddress left,
IpAddress right )

Overload of operator<= to compare two IP addresses.

leftLeft operand (a IP address)
rightRight operand (a IP address)
true if left is lesser or equal than right

◆ operator==() [1/12]

bool sf::operator== ( IpAddress left,
IpAddress right )

Overload of operator== to compare two IP addresses.

leftLeft operand (a IP address)
rightRight operand (a IP address)
true if both addresses are equal

◆ operator>() [1/5]

bool sf::operator> ( IpAddress left,
IpAddress right )

Overload of operator> to compare two IP addresses.

leftLeft operand (a IP address)
rightRight operand (a IP address)
true if left is greater than right

◆ operator>=() [1/5]

bool sf::operator>= ( IpAddress left,
IpAddress right )

Overload of operator>= to compare two IP addresses.

leftLeft operand (a IP address)
rightRight operand (a IP address)
true if left is greater or equal than right

◆ operator>>()

std::istream & sf::operator>> ( std::istream & stream,
std::optional< IpAddress > & address )

Overload of operator>> to extract an IP address from an input stream.

streamInput stream
addressIP address to extract
Reference to the input stream

◆ radians()

Angle sf::radians ( float angle)

Construct an angle value from a number of radians.

angleNumber of radians
Angle value constructed from the number of radians
See also

◆ swap() [1/2]

void sf::swap ( Texture & left,
Texture & right )

Swap the contents of one texture with those of another.

leftFirst instance to swap
rightSecond instance to swap

◆ swap() [2/2]

void sf::swap ( VertexBuffer & left,
VertexBuffer & right )

Swap the contents of one vertex buffer with those of another.

leftFirst instance to swap
rightSecond instance to swap

Variable Documentation

◆ BlendAdd

const BlendMode sf::BlendAdd

Add source to dest.

◆ BlendAlpha

const BlendMode sf::BlendAlpha

Blend source and dest according to dest alpha.

◆ BlendMax

const BlendMode sf::BlendMax

Take maximum between source and dest.

◆ BlendMin

const BlendMode sf::BlendMin

Take minimum between source and dest.

◆ BlendMultiply

const BlendMode sf::BlendMultiply

Multiply source and dest.

◆ BlendNone

const BlendMode sf::BlendNone

Overwrite dest with source.