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Messages - kiara williams

Pages: [1]
Système / core-ball
« le: Août 10, 2023, 09:35:05 am »
The phrase "chat is core ball game" could also be used to describe the importance of social interaction in sports. Sports can be a great way to meet new people and make friends. Players often form close bonds with their teammates, and these relationships can be just as important as the skills they learn on the field. Ultimately, the meaning of the phrase "chat is core ball game" is up to interpretation. However, it seems that the phrase is likely to emphasize the importance of communication and social interaction in sports. intended

Système / Re: core-ball
« le: Août 10, 2023, 09:33:54 am »
The phrase "chat is core ball game" is not a commonly used phrase, so it is difficult to say exactly what it means. However, based on my knowledge, it seems that the phrase may be used to describe the importance of communication in sports. In many sports communication between teammates is essential for success. Players need to be able to communicate effectively in order to coordinate their movements, strategize, and make adjustments during the game.

Système / Re: core-ball
« le: Août 10, 2023, 09:31:48 am »
The phrase could be seen as a way of saying that communication is essential for success in sports.The phrase could also be seen as a way of highlighting the social aspect of sports.The phrase could be used to describe the importance of building  relationships with teammates. The phrase could be used to encourage players to communicate more effectively on the field.

Pages: [1]