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Messages - seluj78

Pages: [1]
Général / Re: SFML reference error (CMake, Clion, Windows and MinGW)
« le: Avril 26, 2017, 02:17:00 pm »
Alright i definitively ain't geting the errors anymore, but the errors aren't here anymore...

Clion&CMake compile perfectly, tho nowm It doesnt launch when I hit the run button. Here's the output :


Process finished with exit code -1073741511 (0xC0000139)

it launches then stops... I've added a define for SFML_STATIC but didn't work and i've added the .dlls everywhere in the project and still ain't good ...


Général / SFML reference error (CMake, Clion, Windows and MinGW)
« le: Avril 22, 2017, 01:13:12 pm »
I'm just recently came to know the existence of SFML and I wanted to try it out !
So I followed the instructions from the SFML Github Wiki using Cmake with Clion on Windows

Here's where I installed SFML : `C:\SFML`

Here's the layout of my Clion project folder :

Here's the content of my `main.cpp`:

(click to show/hide)
Here's the content of the `` file:
(click to show/hide)
Here's the content of my `CMakeLists.txt`:

And finally here's the error I got :
(click to show/hide)

And I can't seem to figure it out... I've looked all over stackoverflow, the forums, nothing fixed it

Any clue ?


Pages: [1]