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Discussions générales / Re: vala - binding
« Dernier message par natou2000 le Juin 03, 2023, 11:06:08 pm »
J'ai termine le binding vala, il est entierement fonctionnelle, j'ai fais la partie
Graphics, system et Windows.
Il ne manque que la partie audio , elle n'a pas l'air tres longue a porter.

J'ai fais en sorte que la version SFML soit aussi proche que possible avec la version C++

using sf;

void main()
    var window = new RenderWindow(VideoMode(200, 200), "SFML works!");
    var circle = new CircleShape();

    while (window.isOpen())
        Event event;
        while (window.pollEvent(out event))
            if (event.type == EventType.Closed)

Projets SFML / Re: [PC & Mobile] GravytX The Gravytoid
« Dernier message par IsDaouda le Mai 22, 2023, 10:39:33 pm »
J'espère que vous allez bien!

Voici quelques savoureux screenshots de GravytX The Gravytoid à déguster copieusement et qui vous feront passer une excellente journée!

Lien du jeu:
Version Web (HTML 5)
Version Android
Version PC (Windows, Linux, macOS)

Bon début de semaine!
Général / Re: VS Code on linux
« Dernier message par JaydenSanderson le Mai 17, 2023, 02:22:11 pm »

Sure, I'd be happy to help you set up SFML on VS Code in Linux. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Open your terminal in VS Code.
Install the necessary SFML libraries by running the command: sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev.
Create a new C++ project or open an existing one in VS Code.
Configure the build tasks for your project by creating a tasks.json file in the .vscode directory. You can refer to the SFML documentation or online resources for specific configuration details.
Set up the necessary include paths and linker options in your project's c_cpp_properties.json file. Again, you can find specific instructions in the SFML documentation.
Write your SFML code in a C++ source file (e.g., main.cpp).
Build and run your SFML project using the VS Code task runner or by executing the appropriate commands in the terminal.
Feel free to ask if you have any further questions or need more assistance along the way. Good luck with your SFML development!

Best regards,
Général / Re: Problème de compilation sous Xcode
« Dernier message par JaydenSanderson le Mai 17, 2023, 02:21:08 pm »

I see that you're experiencing a "Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code" error while compiling your C++ and SFML projects in Xcode. You've already tried some solutions from Stack Overflow, such as deleting the DerivedData folder and reconnecting your session in the Keychain Access, but the issue persists.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions to help resolve this problem, please share.

Général / Re: dylib et framework
« Dernier message par JaydenSanderson le Mai 17, 2023, 02:20:34 pm »
Based on the paragraph you mentioned, it explains that SFML is available in two formats on macOS: dylib libraries and framework bundles. Dylib is similar to dynamic libraries (.so) on Linux, while frameworks can include external resources.

The important difference to note is that if you compile SFML yourself, you can create both release and debug dylibs. However, frameworks are only available in release version. This shouldn't be a problem because it's recommended to use the release version of SFML when distributing your application to end users.

So, in Xcode, you should choose the release version for compiling your programs using SFML.

I hope this clarifies it for you. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

Best regards.

Général / Re: SFML not found package
« Dernier message par JaydenSanderson le Mai 17, 2023, 02:19:36 pm »
Hello everyone,

I see that you're having an issue with compiling a project using SFML on a Raspberry Pi 3. You followed the tutorial mentioned in your post, cloned the repository, and followed the instructions, but CMake is unable to find the package. However, it seems to find the SFML libraries correctly with -lsfml-graphics, etc.

In this case, I would suggest checking the following:

Ensure that you have all the necessary dependencies installed for SFML on your Raspberry Pi.
Double-check that the cloned SFML repository is in the correct location and accessible by CMake.
Verify that you set the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH and SFML_DIR variables correctly, as mentioned in the tutorial.
If you've already confirmed these steps, it might be helpful to provide more details or any error messages you're encountering, so that the community can assist you further.

Best of luck with your project!
Général / Re: Problème configuration SFML sur Visual Studio Code
« Dernier message par JaydenSanderson le Mai 17, 2023, 02:18:47 pm »
It's great to hear that you're trying out SFML for the first time. Based on the code and commands you provided, it seems like you've followed the correct steps for compiling and running the SFML application.

However, if nothing happens when you execute the "./sfml-app" command, there might be a few potential issues to consider:

Double-check that you have correctly set the "<installation-de-sfml>" placeholder in the compilation and library paths to the actual path where SFML is installed on your system.

Make sure you have all the necessary SFML dependencies installed on your machine. SFML requires certain libraries to function properly, so ensure that they are correctly installed.

Verify that you have the appropriate versions of the SFML libraries for your system architecture (in your case, 64-bit). Mismatched library versions can cause issues.

Check for any error messages or warnings during the compilation process. Even if the application compiles successfully, there may be runtime errors that prevent it from running correctly.

I hope these suggestions help you troubleshoot the issue. If the problem persists, please provide any error messages or additional details for further assistance. Good luck with your SFML project!
Général / Re: Build sur ubuntu avec ccmake avec mingw
« Dernier message par JaydenSanderson le Mai 17, 2023, 02:17:27 pm »
Hello, I work in this field, I will try to help you

To compile SFML in static mode with MinGW on Ubuntu, you can follow these steps:

Open a terminal and navigate to the SFML source code directory.

Create a new build directory and navigate into it:

Copy code
mkdir build && cd build
Configure the build using CMake, specifying the MinGW compiler and enabling static linking:

Copy code
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/path/to/mingw/gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path/to/mingw/g++ -DSFML_BUILD_STATIC=TRUE ..
Replace /path/to/mingw/gcc and /path/to/mingw/g++ with the actual paths to your MinGW GCC and G++ compilers, respectively.

Build the SFML library:

Copy code
cmake --build .
Once the build process completes successfully, you should have the static SFML libraries (.a files) in the lib folder of the build directory.

Make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed and adjust the paths according to your setup. I hope this helps you achieve your goal. Have a great day!
Projets SFML / [Multiplateforme] GravytX The Gravytoid
« Dernier message par IsDaouda le Mai 07, 2023, 01:55:13 pm »
J'espère que vous allez bien!

C'est avec joie que je partage avec vous le jeu GravytX The Gravytoid!

(Le jeu aurait dû sortir 4 ans plutôt mais suite à quelques contraintes techniques ça été retardé!)


À propos du jeu:
Incarnez GravytX un extraterrestre qui a la capacité de contrôler des objets à distance et de manipuler la gravité. Parcourez l'univers pour sauver les peuples qui sont sous la domination des Vodouas (Des êtres malveillants qui veulent conquérir l'univers) et apportez la paix sur leurs Planètes.

• Voici quelques surprises qui vous attendent lors de vos voyages:
- Plusieurs Planètes à découvrir
- Des niveaux diversifiés et amusants
- Des mécaniques de Gameplay unique à chaque Planète
- Des puzzles amusants à résoudre
- Plusieurs Boss et Mini-boss à défier!
- Et plein d'autres choses à découvrir (Nous n'allons pas tout vous dévoiler quand même!)

Notez que le jeu support les Gamepads!

Préparez vous à vivre des aventures qui dépassent l'entendement humain!

Lien du jeu:
Version Web (HTML 5)
Version Android
Version PC (Windows, Linux, macOS)

Amusez-vous bien et bonne journée!
J'espère que vous allez bien!

is::Engine 3.3.10 est disponible!

Cette nouvelle version vous permet maintenant d'utiliser toutes les fonctions (Les Gamepads Virtuel, Multi-toucher, ...) des périphériques tactile sur le Web (HTML5) et aussi d'autres fonctions qui vous simplifient le développement du jeu!

Cliquez ici pour voir toutes les nouveautés.

Bonne journée et bon weekend!
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