Je cherche actuellement à traduire mon code ci dessous qui est en 1.6 en 2.0.
Après plusieurs essais, je n'arrive pas à répondre à toutes mes questions ...
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports SFML.Audio
Imports SFML.Window
Imports SFML.Graphics
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Shown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Shown
Dim Framerate As Single
Dim Rendu As New RenderWindow(Me.Handle)
Dim forme As New Shape()
Dim I2 As New Image("teste2.png")
Dim S As New Sprite(I2)
Dim H, W, H1, H2, H3, H4, L1, L2, L3, L4 As Long
Dim Tick As Integer = Environment.TickCount And Int32.MaxValue
Dim Tick2 As String
Dim BoolH As Boolean = True
Dim BoolR As Boolean = True
Dim arial = New Font("arial.ttf")
Dim Musics = New Music("LaZik")
I2.Smooth = False
I2.CreateMaskFromColor(I2.GetPixel(0, 0))
H1 = 0
H2 = 32
H3 = 1
H4 = 1
L1 = 5
L2 = 0
L3 = 0
L4 = 0
H = 32
W = 32
While Rendu.IsOpened And Me.Visible
'Rendu.Clear(New Color(0, 0, 0))
Framerate = Math.Floor(1 / Rendu.GetFrameTime())
forme.AddPoint(New Vector2(0, 0), New Color(L1, L1 / 5 * 2, L1 / 6 * 4))
forme.AddPoint(New Vector2(0, 250), New Color(L1 / 6 * 4, L1, L1 / 6 * 4))
forme.AddPoint(New Vector2(250, 250), New Color(L1 / 12 * 5, L1 / 8 * 2, L1 / 6 * 4))
forme.AddPoint(New Vector2(250, 0), New Color(L1 / 3, L1 / 2, L1))
forme.AddPoint(New Vector2(0, 0), New Color(L1, L1 / 5 * 2, L1 / 6 * 4))
S.Position = New Vector2(32, 32)
S.SubRect = New IntRect(H1, 0, H2, 32)
S.Color = New Color(0, 0, 0, 127)
S.Position = New Vector2(36, 35)
S.Rotation = -10
S.Height = H * 2 / 3
S.Width = S.Height * W / H
S.Position = New Vector2(32, 32)
S.Color = New Color(255, 255, 255, 255)
S.Rotation = 0
S.Height = H
Tick = Environment.TickCount And Int32.MaxValue
Tick2 = Tick
Me.Text = Framerate.ToString + " FPS"
If L1 < 256 And L1 > -1 Then
If L1 = 255 Then
L4 = 1
End If
If L1 = 0 Then
L4 = 0
End If
If L4 = 0 Then
L1 = L1 + 1
End If
If L4 = 1 Then
L1 = L1 - 1
End If
End If
If Tick2(6) = "2" And BoolR = True Or Tick2(6) = "7" And BoolR = True Then
BoolR = False
H4 = H4 + 1
If H4 = 10 Then
H4 = 0
End If
If H1 = 0 Then
H1 = 32
H2 = 64
ElseIf H1 = 32 And H3 = 1 Then
H1 = 64
H2 = 96
H3 = 0
ElseIf H1 = 64 Then
H1 = 32
H2 = 64
ElseIf H1 = 32 And H3 = 0 Then
H1 = 0
H2 = 32
H3 = 1
End If
ElseIf Tick2(6) = "3" And BoolR = False Or Tick2(6) = "8" And BoolR = False Then
BoolR = True
End If
forme = New Shape()
S = New Sprite(I2)
End While
End Sub
End Class
J'ai consulté pas mal de fois le changelog, mais peu de choses changent si j'en crois ce qui est écrit.
Je suis maintenant à ce code la:
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports SFML.Audio
Imports SFML.Window
Imports SFML.Graphics
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Shown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Shown
Dim Framerate As Single
Dim Rendu As New RenderWindow(Me.Handle)
[color=red] Dim forme As New Shape()[/color]
Dim I2 As New Image("teste2.png")
[color=red]Dim S As New Sprite(I2)[/color]
Dim H, W, H1, H2, H3, H4, L1, L2, L3, L4 As Long
Dim Tick As Integer = Environment.TickCount And Int32.MaxValue
Dim Tick2 As String
Dim BoolH As Boolean = True
Dim BoolR As Boolean = True
Dim arial = New Font("arial.ttf")
Dim Musics = New Music("LaZik")
I2.CreateMaskFromColor(I2.GetPixel(0, 0))
H1 = 0
H2 = 32
H3 = 1
H4 = 1
L1 = 5
L2 = 0
L3 = 0
L4 = 0
H = 32
W = 32
While Rendu.IsOpen And Me.Visible
'Rendu.Clear(New Color(0, 0, 0))
Framerate = Math.Floor(1 / Stopwatch.GetTimestamp())
forme.AddPoint(New Vector2f(0, 0), New Color(L1, L1 / 5 * 2, L1 / 6 * 4))
forme.AddPoint(New Vector2f(0, 250), New Color(L1 / 6 * 4, L1, L1 / 6 * 4))
forme.AddPoint(New Vector2f(250, 250), New Color(L1 / 12 * 5, L1 / 8 * 2, L1 / 6 * 4))
forme.AddPoint(New Vector2f(250, 0), New Color(L1 / 3, L1 / 2, L1))
forme.AddPoint(New Vector2f(0, 0), New Color(L1, L1 / 5 * 2, L1 / 6 * 4))
S.Position = New Vector2f(32, 32)
[color=red]S.SubRect = New IntRect(H1, 0, H2, 32)[/color]
S.Color = New Color(0, 0, 0, 127)
S.Position = New Vector2f(36, 35)
S.Rotation = -10
[color=red]S.Height = H * 2 / 3
S.Width = S.Height * W / H[/color]
S.Position = New Vector2f(32, 32)
S.Color = New Color(255, 255, 255, 255)
S.Rotation = 0
[color=red]S.Height = H[/color]
Tick = Environment.TickCount And Int32.MaxValue
Tick2 = Tick
Me.Text = Framerate.ToString + " FPS"
If L1 < 256 And L1 > -1 Then
If L1 = 255 Then
L4 = 1
End If
If L1 = 0 Then
L4 = 0
End If
If L4 = 0 Then
L1 = L1 + 1
End If
If L4 = 1 Then
L1 = L1 - 1
End If
End If
If Tick2(6) = "2" And BoolR = True Or Tick2(6) = "7" And BoolR = True Then
BoolR = False
H4 = H4 + 1
If H4 = 10 Then
H4 = 0
End If
If H1 = 0 Then
H1 = 32
H2 = 64
ElseIf H1 = 32 And H3 = 1 Then
H1 = 64
H2 = 96
H3 = 0
ElseIf H1 = 64 Then
H1 = 32
H2 = 64
ElseIf H1 = 32 And H3 = 0 Then
H1 = 0
H2 = 32
H3 = 1
End If
ElseIf Tick2(6) = "3" And BoolR = False Or Tick2(6) = "8" And BoolR = False Then
BoolR = True
End If
[color=red] forme.Dispose()
forme = New Shape()
S = New Sprite(I2)[/color]
End While
End Sub
End Class
Avec pas mal d'erreur sur les Shape et les Sprite (Shape = inexistant, par quoi remplacer ? Vertex: des fonctions ne sont pas possibles)(Sprite = Don't understand anything)
Merci d'avance