Documentation de SFML 2.6.0

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sf::UdpSocket Member List

This is the complete list of members for sf::UdpSocket, including all inherited members.

AnyPort enum valuesf::Socket
bind(unsigned short port, const IpAddress &address=IpAddress::Any)sf::UdpSocket
create(SocketHandle handle)sf::Socketprotected
Disconnected enum valuesf::Socket
Done enum valuesf::Socket
Error enum valuesf::Socket
getHandle() constsf::Socketprotected
getLocalPort() constsf::UdpSocket
isBlocking() constsf::Socket
MaxDatagramSize enum valuesf::UdpSocket
NotReady enum valuesf::Socket
Partial enum valuesf::Socket
receive(void *data, std::size_t size, std::size_t &received, IpAddress &remoteAddress, unsigned short &remotePort)sf::UdpSocket
receive(Packet &packet, IpAddress &remoteAddress, unsigned short &remotePort)sf::UdpSocket
send(const void *data, std::size_t size, const IpAddress &remoteAddress, unsigned short remotePort)sf::UdpSocket
send(Packet &packet, const IpAddress &remoteAddress, unsigned short remotePort)sf::UdpSocket
setBlocking(bool blocking)sf::Socket
Socket(Type type)sf::Socketprotected
Status enum namesf::Socket
Tcp enum valuesf::Socketprotected
Type enum namesf::Socketprotected
Udp enum valuesf::Socketprotected